Tarayana Foundation is a non-profit organization working to uplift and enhance the lives of vulnerable communities in rural Bhutan. The Foundation complements and supplements the efforts of the Royal Government in poverty reduction by espousing the national goal of "special measures in support of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups as well as efforts to ensure that those who have been largely bypassed by the benefits of development are drawn more fully into the mainstream of the development process" (Bhutan 2020: A Vision for Peace. Prosperity and Happiness).
The Tarayana Foundation was established in 2003 by Her Majesty the Queen, Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck, as a potential solution to the problems of the disadvantaged that she witnessed first hand during her many visits to the remote corners of the nation.
Despite the pro-poor development strategy of the government small communities in remote areas still lag behind. The Foundation was established to help these communities achieve self sufficiency through small and targeted interventions.
Tarayana Foundation Office, 147 Zomlha Complex, Post Box No. 2003, Thimphu, Bhutan
Tel: +975 (2) 329333
E-mail: HYPERLINK "mailto:tarayana_Bhutan@yahoo.com" tarayana_Bhutan@yahoo.com Website: HYPERLINK "http://www.tarayanafoundation.org/" http://www.tarayanafoundation.org/
Royal Society for the Protection of Nature
Royal Society for the Protection of Nature (RSPN) was established in 1987 and is the only national organization (NGO) in Bhutan exclusively concerned with the conservation of Bhutan’s environment.. Over the years, it has evolved as a complementary partner to the Royal Government in its endeavours to conserve Bhutan’s rich natural resource base and also works with several international conservation organizations towards this goal.
RSPN’s mission is to inspire personal responsibility and actively involve the people of Bhutan in the conservation of the country’s environment through education, applied research and information dissemination, and collaboration with concerned agencies and indigenous institutions. RSPN’s goals, are to 1) Conserve endangered species outside the protected area system; 2) Develop ecosystem based approaches to management in areas outside the protected area system; 3) Support management of emerging urban environmental issues; 4) Enhance institutional capacity for environmental education, ecological research and community based natural research management.
RSPN Office, Deki lam, Changangkha PO Box 325, Thimphu, Bhutan Tel:+975 (2) 326130; Fax:+975 (2) 323189
E-mail: HYPERLINK "maito:rspn@druknet.bt" rspn@druknet.bt; Website: HYPERLINK "http://www.rspn-Bhutan.org/" http://www.rspn-Bhutan.org/
The Centre for Bhutan Studies
The Centre for Bhutan Studies promotes research and scholarship on Bhutan. The Centre was established in 1999 as an autonomous body governed by the Council for the Centre for Bhutan Studies, which is chaired by the H.E. Lyonpo Jigmi Thinley, Minister of Home and Culture in Bhutan.
The Centre conducts research in a number of areas including inter-disciplinary studies of Bhutan in its social, cultural, and economics aspects, focusing largely, but not exclusively, on contemporary issues. The Center also acts as a clearing-house for information on Bhutan, hosts special lectures and seminars on themes relevant to Bhutan, publishes research papers including an annual Journal of Bhutan Studies and trains and encourages participation of younger scholars in research in particular on contemporary issues.
The Centre for Bhutan Studies; P.O. Box 1111; Langjophakha; Thimphu, Bhutan
Tel: + 975 (2) 321005; Fax: + 975 (2) 321001
E-mail: HYPERLINK "mailto:cbs@druknet.bt" cbs@druknet.bt; website: HYPERLINK http://www.bhutanstudies.org.bt/ http://www.bhutanstudies.org.bt/
Youth Development Fund
The Youth Development Fund works to enable Bhutanese youth to realize their full potential as productive citizens of Bhutan and of this world. YDF provides a sustainable funding mechanism within Bhutan so that youth development and empowerment activities can be undertaken, now and in the future. The Fund sustains various youth programs through the formal school curriculum and extracurricular activities in areas such as environmental conservation, heatlth and hygiene, reproductive health, agriculture and sports. YDF partners with The Bhutan Foundation and other international donors providing assistance for youth development activities, targeting all segments of the youth population with particular emphasis on disadvantaged youth such as the disabled, school dropouts, juvenile delinquents, unemployed youth, and youth from remote or otherwise marginalized areas. YDF supports activites that promote values in youth, preservation of culture and traditions and enhancement of recreational and sporting events. YDF supports career counseling and guidance units and training of counselors; physically and mentally challenged children and youth, including training, equipment and/or rehabilitation; scholarships for disadvantaged youth in need; Support for participation of youth in international events; activities that address the needs of juvenile delinquents and school dropouts; activities in environmental conservation and reproductive health involving youth; skills development to enhance employment opportunitities for youth.
Youth Development Fund
Thimphu, Bhutan
Tel: +975 (2) 322250; Fax: +975 (2) 325183
Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:yandeyp@druknet.bt" yandeyp@druknet.bt; Website: HYPERLINK "http://www.youthdevfund.gov" http://www.youthdevfund.gov
World Wildlife Fund – Bhutan
World Wildlife Fund – Bhutan (WWF-Bhutan) is an international conservation organization working to conserve Bhutan’s rich natural heritage. WWF Bhutan began its conservation work in 1977 by providing training opportunities for Bhutanese nationals. Today WWF works closely with the Royal Government of Bhutan to support an integrated and collaborative conservation program. The program focuses on establishing and managing a system of protected areas, while developing the nation's capacity to manage its natural resources by strengthening relevant institutions, developing human resources and promoting conservation education and public awareness.
WWF Bhutan, P.O.Box 210, Thimphu, Bhutan
Tel: +975 -2-323528; Fax: +-975-2-323518
Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:ttshering@wwfbhutan.org.bt" ttshering@wwfbhutan.org.bt; Website: HYPERLINK "http://www.wwfbhutan.org.bt/" http://www.wwfbhutan.org.bt/ |